division Lightweight
height 168cm
birth 11/06/1986
country Italy
residence Parma
record Won 10 (KO 0) + Lost 2 (KO 0) + Drawn 0 = 12
title ----

In relationship / Lawyer

date div kg r opponent kg result location bout detail
19/11/2023 L 61.5 GIORGIA MARCHETTI 62.0 UD 7

Fit4U Gym - Roma (Italy)


26/12/2022 L 61.2 AMANDA NICOLICH 62.0 UD 7

La Veranda nel Parco - Monza (Italy)

Italian Title 9
21/05/2022 L 61.0 ELENA STOPPA 60.5 UD 7

Parco di Monza - Monza (Italy)

-- 3
19/08/2021 L 61.3 CAREN NILSSON 62.2 UD 7 Campari Summer Events - Rimini (Italy) International Fight 8
Not listed in Results page   -- -- -- -- --
 National Champion ---European Champion ---Champion of the Americas ---World Champion
The crowns indicate which boxer arrived at the fight with the Belt --- Boxer's Record not available 
Click on the number near the camera to see the fight images

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